Stamford Green
20 Sep
Year 4 have been working very hard on their speedy maths this week! Remember to check our weekly info for information about what we are currently working on!
Stamford Green
19 Sep
Here are some things you might want to be thinking about at this time of year to help keep your children safe online!
Stamford Green
11 Sep
Year 1 have been learning about the different seasons in science today.
Stamford Green
09 Sep
The afternoon Reception groups have made a wonderful start on their first day at school. It's fantastic to see them all playing together happily and finding out about their new friends! Well done everyone - we're very proud of you all!
Stamford Green
09 Sep
It's the first day at school for this year's new Reception classes. How lovely to see so many smiles as they get to know their new classmates. There's lots of collaboration and sharing happening in the classrooms even on Day 1! Well done RH, RB and RP!
Stamford Green
06 Sep
Year 3 enjoyed completing some maths puzzles today. In 3L, some of us tried to make our own. Can you work out what picture Ava's times tables mosaic makes?
Stamford Green Primary School and Nursery is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
Ms Beth Saunt
School Operations Leader
Stamford Green Primary School and Nursery • Christ Church Mount • Epsom • Surrey • KT19 8LU
01372 725383
Email - For Parents/Carers Email - For general enquiries